Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Wise and Fool as per Vidura

Vidura has given some very important points for the life. We can teach these points even school children also. We are generally not thinking about below points for our self. We are so busy to talk about others. We can just follow below points and possible do more practical on the same, otherwise it will be useless.

As per Vidura below are the characteristics of the Wise person

·         Neither anger nor joy
·         Nor pride
·         Nor false modesty (humble)
·         Nor stupid
·         Nor vanity (Pride)
·         Judgment dissociated from desire
·         Followed both virtue and profit
·         Who understand quickly
·         Listened patiently
·         Pursuit his objects with judgment and not from desire
·         Never wasted his time
·         Who has his soul under control
·         Who know the nature of all creatures
·         Who is cognizant
·         Who is proficient in the knowledge of the means that men may resort to (for attaining their objects), is reckoned as wise.
·         Who speak boldly
·         Can converse on various subjects
·         Knowing the science of argumentation
·         Possess genius
·         Whose studies are regulated by reason
·         Whose reason follows the scriptures
·         Who never abstained from paying
·         Respect to those that are good

As per Vidura below are the characteristics of the fool person

·         Who is ignorant of scripture yet vain (useless)
·         Poor yet proud
·         Who resorted to unfair means for the acquisition of his objects
·         forsaking (give up) his own trust
·         Concerned himself with the objects of others
·         Who practiced deceitful(concealing truth) means for serving his friends
·         Who wished for those things that should not be desired
·         Forsakes those that may legitimately (logically accepted) be desired
·         Who bear malice (desire to harm) to those that are powerful
·         Who divulged (disclose) his projects
·         Doubted in all things
·         Spend a long time in doing what require a short time
·         Who has not perform the ritual riots for the parents
·         Not worshipped the deities (God)
·         Not acquire noble-minded friends
·         Who enter a place uninvited
·         Talk much without being asked
·         Repose trust on untrustworthy
·         Who being himself guilty caste the blame on others
·         Who though impotent (powerless) give vent (show) to anger
·         Not knowing his own strength

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