Monday, June 3, 2013

Contests vs Facebook Ads

Looking for more likes or more customers interact on Facebook page?
What you prefer Contests on Facebook or Facebook Ads?

We used to like for specific pages we needed to quickly build some community on. There were multiple places when you claimed a couple of our online shopping and so our likes were lost in some cases when you merged the pages. The main thing in receives the likes honestly and organically as opposed to liking your own stuff under two different names. But generally, the contests are a better route to get engagement with customers. It also help customers to conclude something on products.
To create a contest and gather the likes through that is somewhat relax and market analysis for you.
Using a contest can help increase awareness or followers in many other areas.
Contest help more for “overall” results.
But it can help tremendously with getting likes for your Facebook page.

Most of the people like Facebook Contests and I think it work really better for engagement, analysis and structured plan. People are getting bonus points for sharing.  They don’t always fly though.  In contests you may get the e-mail address and it is best way to increase your customers.  Facebook Ads don’t do that unless you are driving to an option.  
Sometimes Facebook ads are great for a quick increase of traffic and new likes. You may get new Likes for between $0.25 – 0.80.  Sometimes it’s been go up to $1.5/like for some industries or products, which is a bit expensive.  

In some cases you will go for both.  Take example of dealerships of product and do marketing on their social media, and you took over very poorly managed Facebook accounts and apply bot way.  You tried running a couple of Facebook ads, and they seemed to bring in good numbers of likes, but nothing that seems to have turned into any customer engagement or anything.  Think you have also been trying out contests, but not getting much response.  It is hard to find things to run contests for at dealerships.

So it is depend on way of marketing and plan for the same. I think you should find more different ways for marketing and apply it. It will be better for new products and startup. It will benefit to stop talking about the product and talk about looking and feeling good. I think you can focus on test different strategies and then eliminate what isn’t getting the response you’re looking for. If you set a clear goal and plan of new comments or something similar and focus on that specific area and measure results I think you will get a lot more about your followers.

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