Monday, July 23, 2012

Famous, Family and Action

Vidura has given importance of family, friend, relatives and nation. This rules will give you important of family, relatives, wife and nation. It tells regarding speak, forgiveness, prosperity, conquer. It will help you life time if you will follow it. Basically its tell how one can be famous in society by good action. Let me know your thoughts on the same. Post your comments at the end of article.

·         Destruction from words and mouth
a) To control speech, is said to be most difficult. It is not easy to hold a long conversation uttering words full of meaning and delightful to the hearers.
b) Well-spoken speech is productive of many beneficial results and ill-spoken speech, is the cause of evils.
c) A forest pierced by arrows, or cut down by hatchets may again grow, but one's heart wounded and censured by ill-spoken words never recovers.
d) Weapons, such as arrows, bullets, and bearded darts, can be easily extracted from the body, but a wordy dagger plunged (thrust forcefully) deep into the heart is incapable of being taken out.
e) Wordy arrows are shot from the mouth; smitten (hit) by them one grieve (sorrow) day and night. A learned man should not discharge such arrows, for do they not touch the very vitals of others.

·         What is Silence?
a) it is said, is better than speech  b) if speak you must, then it is better to say the truth c) if truth is to be said, it is better to say what is agreeable and d) if what is agreeable is to be said, then it is better to say what is consistent with morality.

·         These are the indications of a bad man,
 a) incapacity to be controlled b) liability to be afflicted by dangers c) proneness (lying face down) to give way to wrath d) ungratefulness e) inability to become another's friend, and f) wickedness of heart.

·         There are high families,
a) who deviate not from the right course b) whose deceased ancestors are never pained (by witnessing the wrong doings of their descendants) c) who cheerfully practice all the virtues d) who desire to enhance the pure fame of the line in which they are born and e) who avoid every kind of falsehood.

·         He is no friend,
a) Whose anger inspire fear or who is to be waited upon with fear b) He, whose heart is unsteady, or who do not wait upon the aged, or who is of a restless disposition

·         Success (in the attainment of objects) forsake the person,
a) Whose heart is unsteady b) who has no control over his mind c) who is a slave of his senses, like swans forsaking a tank whose waters have dried up?

·         What sorrow can do?
 a) Sorrow kill beauty b) sorrow kill strength c) sorrow kill the understanding and d) sorrow bring on disease

·         he that is self-controlled should,
a) neither exult in joy nor repine in sorrow b) Happiness and misery c) plenty and want d) gain and loss e) life and death are shared by all in due order.

·         Who are relatives?
a) As milk is possible in kin, asceticism in learned man and inconstancy in women, so fear is possible from relatives b) Numerous thin threads of equal length, collected together, are competent to bear, from the strength of numbers, the constant rolling of the shuttle-cock over them. The case is even so with relatives that are good c) Relatives, again, in consequence of mutual dependence and mutual aid; grow together, like lotus-stalks in a lake.

·         These must never be slain (kill),
 a) Learned man b) kin c) relatives d)  children e) women f) those whose food is eaten and g) those also that yield by asking for protection.

·         Men of learning say that a servant should be endued (contain) with these eight qualities,
a) Absence of pride c) ability d) absence of procrastination e) kindness f) cleanliness g) incorruptibility h) birth in a family which is free from the taint of disease, and weightiness of speech.

·         One should renounce envy,
a) Protect one's wives b) give to others what is their due and be agreeable in speech c) One should never speak to wife of what one intends to do. Let anything thou doest in respect of virtue, profit, and desire, be not known till it is done. Let counsels be not divulged (disclose).

·         It has been said that wives are,
a) Highly blessed and virtuous b) worthy of worship and the ornaments of their homes c) really Embodiments (good judgment) of domestic prosperity

·         Those objects are doubtful of success,
a) That depend upon women b) careless persons c) men that have fallen away from the duties of their caste and d) those that are wicked in disposition

·         Are you evil?
He that is hated by another is never regarded by that other as honest or intelligent or wise. One attribute everything good to him one love and everything evil to him one hate.

·         These bring about prosperity,
a) Effort after securing what is good b) the properties of time, place, and means c) acquaintance with the scriptures d) activity e) straightforwardness and f) frequent meetings with those that are good

·         This is natural forgiving,
a) He that is weak should forgive under all circumstances b) He that is possessed of power should show forgiveness from motives of virtue and c) he, to whom the success or failure of his objects is the same

·         Prosperity never resides in,
a) one who suffers himself to be tortured by a grief b) who is addicted to evil ways c) who denies Godhead d) who is idle e) who has not his senses under control and f) who is divested of exertion.

·         Prosperity never approach from,
a) fear the person that is excessively liberal b) that give away without measure c) that is possessed of extraordinary bravery d) that practice the most rigid vows and e) that is very proud of his wisdom.

·         Prosperity does not reside in one,
a) that is highly accomplished nor in one that is without any accomplishment b) She do not desire a combination of all the virtues, nor is she pleased with the total absence of all virtues c) Blind, like a mad cow d) prosperity resides with some one who is not remarkable.

·         these are the roots of prosperity,
a) Exertion b) self-control c) skill d) carefulness e) steadiness f) memory and g) commencement of acts after mature deliberation

·         One should not place trust on,
a) a woman b) a swindler(cheater) c) an idle person d) a coward e) one that is fierce (aggressive) f) one that boasts of his own power g) a thief h) an ungrateful person and i) an atheist.

·         Do not set the heart after these objects,
a) Which cannot be acquired except by very painful exertion b) by sacrificing righteousness c) by bowing down to an enemy.

·         These are pitied,
a) A man without knowledge is to be pitied b)  an act of intercourse that is not fruitful is to be pitied c) the people of a nation that are without food are to be pitied and d) a nation without a ruler is to be pitied.

·         One cannot conquer,
 a) sleep by lying down b) women by desire c) fire by fuel and d) wine by drinking

·         His life is unwilling to believe that crowned with success,
a) who has won his friends by gifts b) his foes in battle and c) wife by food and drink

·         These are never gratified,
a) Fire is never gratified with fuel (but can consume any measure thereof) b) The great ocean is never gratified with the rivers it receives (but can receive any number of them) c) Death is never gratified even with entire living creatures d) A beautiful woman is never gratified with any number of men (she may have).

·         Beware of them,
a) hope kill patience b) lengthy talk kill growth c)  anger kill prosperity d) miserliness kill fame e) absence of tending kill cattle; f) one angry learned man or woman destroy a whole kingdom

·         One should restrain,
a) one's lust and stomach by patience b) one's hands and feet by one's eyes c) one's eyes and ears by one's mind and d) one's mind and words by one's acts

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