Saturday, May 18, 2013

Global Warming (It's not too late)

Global warming
Facts About Animal is we are raising animals for food(We have to do something):

·      Uses 1/3 of the world’s cereal and over 90% of soy Beans, while 40,000 people starve to death everyday.
·      1 lb beef requires a staggering 16 lb of grain; 5214 gallons of water and destroys 220 square feet of rainforest.
·      Growing crops to feed farmed animals requires nearly half of the clean water and 80% of the agriculture land in the US, roughly half the total land mass of the United States.
·      UN report “Live stock’s Long Shadow” states that raising animals for food generates more greenhouse gases then all the cars, trucks and planes combined.
·      Is not sustainable for our planet. Polar ice caps are melting, trees and bee colonies are dying, disease, drought and desertification are becoming more widespread, we are witnessing more frequent natural disasters and floods with increased severity.

Solutions for Climate Change (everybody can help to stop Global warming):
·      Feed ourselves and every hungry person in the planet.
·      End deforestation and save our disappearing rainforest, the lungs of the earth.
·      Return our ocean to thriving underwater worlds treaming with life.
·      Stop the number one polluter and waster of water.
·      Make cancer and heart diseases a rarity, rather than a common occurrence.
·      Return the wild lands to their rightful owners.
·      Stop 80% of global warming and allow the planet to restore it’s natural balance.

The powerful choice can be made by everyone, everyday, everytime you eat- go vegan.
It is not too late! Live our values, change the world, it’s that simple!

1 comment:

  1. good thoughts its really helpful..nd great solution.....


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