Thursday, August 2, 2012


Depression is a down mood, serious illness, sadness and aversion to activity that can affect a thoughts, behavior, feelings and nature of the person.  Depressed people may feel sleepless, gloomy,  hopeless, worried, sad , guilty, irritable and stressed.
It is different than sadness. It will affect your day to day activity, professional life and personal life. In this case you will stop eating and you will forget most of the things done by you. Depression is very danger for your mind. It is mind cancer and we need to come out from there. The reason for depression may excessive love,  tension and load of the different activity. We have seen many Medical patients, IT professional, Students, lonely people, marital or relationship problem, financial problem and famous person in depression and some may led to death.
The basic requirement is to understand the sign of the Depression and learn it. If you will do, think and reaping the task which cause you tremendous tense on your mind and you are not able to concentrate on any activity. Than please understand something is wrong and behave yourself. There are many people who come in depression for short period and again start behaving as a normal person. Because it is may be normal behavior of life event. Please be away from them, they can give you the big problem.
Let us see some worst sign and symptoms of the depression:
a.    Thoughts like life is not for you, will try to attempt suicide
b.    You will talk to kill someone or killing yourself
c.    Will become anger in without any reason
d.    Weight loss or may weight fain
e.    May get insomnia and may try to sleep more (not interested to do any activity)
f.     headaches, back pain, stomach pain and any other more than one physical issue
g.    To get rid from thought may become drug abuse

There are different types of Depression:
a.    Major Depression (totally in hopeless state)
b.    Dysthymia (most of the time normal mood but mildly or moderately depressed)
c.    Bipolar or Manic Depression (emotional disorder cause more thought of suicide)
d.    Seasonal affective disorder (Depends on weather)
e.    Atypical Depression (oversleeping, overeating and overweight)

Treatment for depression:
a.    The first step is understand the depression and find out where you can get help
b.    Come out yourself and ask for support to your family and love ones and tell what you are feeling and thinking
c.    According to the type please take medical and health professional advise
d.    Start working on to reduce stress (attend program), do daily activity with fresh mind like sleep, eat and exercise
e.    Take part in medication activity like Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), Serotonin and nor epinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRI), Tricyclic antidepressants etc. according to the advice given by your doctor
f.     Please identify your emotion and express it to your close one
g.    Sometimes Electroconvulsive (electric current is passed through the brain to produce controlled violent uncontrollable contractions of muscles) Therapy  also necessary

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